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ictime versionJQL Function namePurposeParameterExample UsageExplanation
5.7.0 and higherissueWithUnchargedWorklogreturns issues only if issue has not invoiced (IcTime) worklog in the last given number of days backNumber of days considered in the past. Worklogs older than the given number of days will not be considered.project in (WFLT, XA) AND issue in issueWithUnchargedWorklog(30)limit issues to projects (WLFT and XA) and show all Issues having not billed worklogs in the last 30 days

issueWithUncharged Worklog - changes

icTime- handling has changed. Providing "0" for days back no returns all Issues having at least one work log which is not charged.

Example - issueWithUnchargedWorklog 
